Layout Manager (Blender add-on)
What's Layout Manager?
Layout Manager can help you save your layouts of your workspace for Blender, and load them back any time you like. It's helpful while you need to switch between different layouts in your workflow.
Demo Video:
How to save/load add-ons in workspace tab
Get Supports:
Just PM me if you have any suggestion or idea for Layout Manager, any feedback is welcome.
TIPS: Don't forget to save your blend file after saving layouts as presets, or you will lost the presets.
Development Plan:
Add functions to move up/down preset
Save/load Dopesheet attributes for Dopesheet Editor
Hotkey to save layout as preset
Hotkey to load layout
Switching between scenes will reload presets for that scene, multiple scene supports
And other features you can request if they are doable
Version 1.1.0:
Fixed crash in Blender 3.0.0
Version 1.0.7:
Add ability to export presets as JSON file
Add ability to import presets from JSON file
Version 1.0.6:
Save and load add-ons in workspace tab, see demo video above
Version 1.0.5:
N panel is also available on view3d, image editor, node editor
Version 1.0.4:
Save/load more dopeseet attributes for Dopesheet Editor
Version 1.0.3:
Save/load Dopesheet attributes for DOPESHEET_EDITOR
Version 1.0.2:
Add move up/down operators to move presets
Version 1.0.1:
Fixed attributes error for Blender 2.81
Version 1.0.0:
Initial release
You will get a zip file which is the Layout Manager add-on